Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Injustice Flash Suit Pattern

     For my Educational Technology course at the University of Akron our final project is to teach ourselves something new. This project will span about a third of the semester and is estimated to take about 50 hours. I love to cosplay and sew, so I thought I would try and tackle a project that I have wanted to do for a long time now.


Over the course of my major project my goal is to teach myself how to make a pattern from scratch. I have basic sewing experience, but I am not very good at reading or altering patterns. I hope to learn how to better read patterns, take proper body measurements, and craft an original pattern by altering existing patterns and taking apart prefabricated clothes. I also hope to learn more about how to label pattern pieces in such a way that they are applied to the fabric to receive maximum stretch. To complete my project I hope to make a direction sheet to be used when putting the pattern together. 

Resources and Learning Materials

The resources I plan on referencing to complete my project are videos, reference images, chat threads on public forms from other costume designers, craft store employees, blog posts, friends who sew, and existing patterns. I have already found some of these resources, and will make note of them in future blog posts. 

The materials I will be using consist of, but are not limited to, sketch paper, pencils, pens, sharpies, fabric markers, straight edges, duck tape, tissue paper, scissors, scrap fabric, existing clothes, iron, ironing board, measuring tape, and sewing notions. 

Documentation of Progress

I will try and make my learning transparent to others by posting a lot of images of my progress, posting my thought processes, and posting all of my references. I will post my progress along the way on my Blogger, and possibly compile all of my knowledge at the end into a wikiHow article. I will not tweet each interesting thing I find until I have compiled it neatly on a blog post, then I will tweet my blog posts under the hashtags #UAEdTech, #DCcomics, #Flash, and #Cosplay. My blog posts will be tagged under the major project tag. 

 Planned Timeline

Wednesday I have designated as my major project day, there is nothing else scheduled for me on that day so I am free to spend as much time as I can on my project. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I will also work on my major project, but only after the homework for my other classes is finished. If everything goes smoothly I hope it will take close to 100 hours to complete my project.

My work weeks will begin on each Wednesday and go until Tuesday.
  • Week 1- Research, take measurements, design, and gather supplies.
  • Week 2- Cut pieces, add to paper, and add seam allowances.
  • Week 3- Test pattern and make changes.
  • Week 4- Test pattern, make changes, and complete pattern.
  • Week 5- Start direction sheet.
  • Week 6- Finalize direction sheet and pattern.
  • Week 7- Summary and Pre/Post assessment. 

Possible Challenges

Possible challenges I may face during this project are designing a piece and having it not fit when I try and sew it back together, making my pattern pieces too small or too large, and possibly running out of time to complete this project if I run into any major unforeseen issues.  

Critical Friend

The critical friend I have chosen is my boyfriend Adam. He currently lives with me and he is the one I am designing the pattern for. Not only his extensive knowledge of the super hero universe and artistic critical thinking skills, but also his emotional support, will be valuable tools for me as I attempt to complete my major project. 


The above is the break down for hopefully Part 1 of this project, this is for school so I had to be realistic about what I could get done before the end of the semester. The next possible parts of this project to get the costume finished could be:

Part 2- Using the Pattern
Part 3- Making the Helmet
Part 4- EL Wire and EL Tape
Part 5- Chest and Shoulder Armor
Part 6- Gauntlets
Part 7- Schynbald and Sabaton
Part 8- Putting It All Together
Part 9- Showing It Off

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