Major Project: Injustice Flash Suit Pattern


Below are the links to all of my posts on the making of the pattern for the Flash from the Injustice: Gods Among Us game. 

Introduction and Overview Post

Over all there was a pretty steep learning curve in the process of taking on this project. I knew a lot of things in theory and had a lot of ideas, and I think that's what pushed me to finishing the pattern. I really dived into the online aspect of learning through working on this project by taking my ideas and seeing if anyone else had tested them, and changing my thought process based on their results. Also I gained a lot of ideas and skills by reading about how other people made certain things for different, but similar, projects. I went into this project fully unprepared for all the issues I would face, but I'm glad I experienced them, because with out complications I feel I wouldn't of learned as much. Because of this I have definitely broadened my skill set as an artist by having to generalize all the knowledge and skills I have gained from the research and many years of experience in the arts. I would say now though, that if you have even one single creative bone in your body, you could make this project too. Because now you're not the only one, now you have somebody who has taken a similar journey, and now you can engage with them and make them part of your personal learning network. 

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