Saturday, October 31, 2015

Flash Suit Progress 1

Adam and I started this project by first getting a pair of skinny jeans and tight fitting hoodie to be taped over. As you can see we taped the legs first and then the chest. Adam (the one in all the duck tape) got very hot very quick so he often unzipped the hoodie to cool down. I highly recommend leaving the zipper exposed for this very reason.

Next for drawing on the lines of the suit pattern we used a sharpie and referenced these to 3D models of the Flash. The models we used are linked below.

Version 1
Version 2

For this design the 3D rotatable model was invaluable and I highly recommend to anyone making a costume from scratch to try and find one for their character. Also to easily erase your sharpie mistakes simply rub a cotton ball damp with 100% acetone over the line and start again.

We cut the legs off of him next, making sure to label each piece, The torso was more confusing so I layed the pieces out flat like a puzzle to get an idea of how they connect. I labeled the corresponding intersections of the torso pieces with letters to more easily match the corners later.

I had a large amount of test fabric to work with that my grandma got me from a garage sale, but I would say for test fabric you wouldn't need more than two and a half yards. I went through the duck tape pieces and compared the left side pieces to the right side pieces and picked the right side to work with. I placed the right side pieces out on the folded in half fabric, making sure to leave enough space between them to add a seam allowance. The fabric is folded in half so that when I cut out the pieces I get two identical, one for the left side and one for the right.

Typically a seam allowance is 5/8 of an inch, so I traced each piece and then with a ruler went around the edges of all the pieces and added a 5/8" border, pinned the two sides of fabric together inside each piece, and cut the pieces out.

That is all the progress I have so far, but the next step will be sewing the test suit together! Stay tuned for my next post!

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